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A pothole is a sharp-edged depression in the road usually caused by water or weather damage, and stresses caused by heavy vehicles.

We repair potholes on public roads in the borough. We don't repair potholes on private roads. These need to be done by either the residents or the developer.

If the issue you are raising requires immediate attention please do not complete the form but telephone the Council’s emergency number.

Supporting photographs

If you are sending photographs when reporting a pothole or road defect, please take them like the examples belowIt is helpful to have one photograph showing a close-up of the pothole or defect and another showing its position on the street.

 Close-up pothole example photoWider street view pothole

About potholes

What causes potholes?

Potholes occur when the road's surface breaks and collapses. This often occurs as a result of cold weather.
During sub-zero temperatures, water gets into small cracks in the road surface and freezes, forming pockets of ice. When the temperature rises the ice melts leaving gaps under the surface layer.
Vehicles driving over the road’s surface can cause these areas to weaken, or eventually collapse and cause potholes.

Why is it important to repair potholes?

Potholes on the road can be a danger to road users. Potholes on the pavement can lead to accident and injury for pedestrians. It is then important to repair potholes whenever they occur.

Why are some potholes only repaired temporarily?

Some potholes need to be filled urgently to keep roads in a safe condition. We always try to repair these potholes permanently, but sometimes it is not possible. This is because the material we need to make permanent repairs is not always available when we need it.

We repair the pothole temporarily to keep the road safe, and wait until the material for permanent repairs becomes available.

How quickly will the pothole be repaired?

We will look at the pothole and decide the risk it poses to road users. This is difficult to judge since all potholes present some risk. The factors taken into account include size and depth of pothole, traffic type, speed and volume; road alignment and visibility, as well as the position in relation to road width.

Maintenance programme structural surveys

We undertake a programme of inspections and structural surveysAny area of road or pavement which the inspector thinks may become a danger to road users or pedestrians is noted and a repair arranged.

Contact us

Office hours: Monday to Thursday, 8.30am – 4.45pm
Friday, 8.30am – 4.15pm
Offices are closed on weekends and bank holidays.

Contact will not be monitored outside of these times.  If the issue you are raising requires immediate attention please do not complete the form but telephone the Council’s emergency number.