Dudley Castle is situated in a commanding position in the Black Country Geopark on a high limestone ridge overlooking the medieval planned town of Dudley and the monastic remains of St James’s Priory. It was designated as a Scheduled Monument on 8 February 1915 and on 14 September 1949 the upstanding remains were placed on the statutory list as Grade I.
It survives as a good example of a motte and bailey castle c.1070 which was remodelled in stone in the mid-12th and early 14th-centuries. It was slighted in the 1180s and rebuilt in the mid to late 13th century. Later additions included the late 15th century Kitchen Annex. The domestic wing was demolished and rebuilt in the 1530s. The quality of the surviving remains has been enhanced by the archaeological excavation undertaken in the 1980s which indicated the castle retains important structural and artefactual evidence relating to both its early history and to the 16th century structural improvements which converted it from a defensive castle into a high status domestic residence.
The 16th century Sharrington Range is of particular interest as one of the earliest known examples of the influence of the Italian Renaissance on the secular architecture of the West Midlands. The wealth and importance of the castle and its inhabitants is reflected in extensive surviving documentary records. The castle was held as a Royalist stronghold during the Civil War and was slighted by order of Parliament in 1649. Although the domestic wing was still habitable, this succumbed to a fire in 1750 and thereafter it was considered to be a Romantic ruin. In 1936 a zoo was placed around it and the castle became a tourist attraction along with the 1930s Tecton Structures. For more information about Dudley Castle and the Castle Hill Conservation Area look at the Castle Hill Conservation Area Character Appraisal.
Between 1983 and 1993 a major archaeological excavation programme was carried out at Dudley Castle, it was undertaken in close association with the programme of repairs. The consultant Archaeologist was Philip Barker, an eminent British Archaeologist renowned for his work on excavation methodology. Excavation concentrated on the motte, within the adjacent Stable Block, between the Stables and Main Gateway, the ditch separating the Motte from the Bailey, the Great Hall and the Chapel. Large quantities of finds were recovered including ceramic building materials, clay pipes, coins, faunal remains, floor tiles, leather, plant remains, pottery, small find, stone architectural fragments, vessel glass, window glass, textiles etc. In addition to the excavations, a substantial amount of building recording was carried out in association with the restoration of some of the standing buildings overseen by ST Walker & Duckham. In the 1990s 'Background Information and Proposed Design for Research and Publication' was published for the Dudley Castle Archaeological project. It is presented in three volumes, each of which provides information of specific aspects of the archaeological excavation.
The 'outreach' works as a result of this excavation was rather far ranging. The Dudley Castle Archaeological Project made use of funds from Manpower services, employing five professional archaeologists and 50 local people spanning the age range from 18 to 60, therefore it was not only a nationally significant research excavation but also a source of employment and training for local unemployed people.
Dudley Castle is very fortunate to have an active Friends of Dudley Castle group whose mission statement is to ‘support and promote Dudley Castle in every way possible locally, nationally and internationally as a major treasure of British Heritage’.
They strongly promote the educational value of the Castle stressing that they believe that ‘Dudley Castle and its site to be of national geological, archaeological, historical and architectural importance with considerable educational value’.
The Friends Group began in 1989 when the Castle excavation was being carried out in the Castle courtyard. The Friends Group continues to work closely with Dudley Council on the excavation archive for the Castle excavations, taking a proactive role in working with Dudley Council, Historic England and the Museum of London Archaeology Service who were appointed to prepare a disposal policy elements of the Castle archive (mainly focused un-stratified animal bones).
In addition to the Castle Hill Conservation Area Character Appraisal, there is also the Dudley Area Action Plan, which contains a specific policy for Castle Hill (Policy 23) and provides an overall vision for Castle Hill. In liaison with Dudley Zoo, the Council has been working on delivery of this vision.
A programme of learning and participation events and activities was also delivered, including a two-year apprentice based, training and repair programme, which resulted in Carlo Diponio (Construction Supervisor at Dudley Zoo) being awarded an Angel Award by Historic England in 2016. Phase 1 also resulted in the repair of the historic chairlift, the creation of a new access road, secondary road, visitor hub, recreational route (linking the attractions), new visitor car park and enhanced entrance to the Zoo from the Carpark (all thanks for funding from the ERDF, WMCA and BCLEP).
Following the successful delivery of Phase1, in 2017, work commenced on the production of Castle Hill Vision - Phase Two. Thanks to funding from the Black Country LEP, Dudley Council in partnership with Dudley Zoo were able to commission BPN Architects to prepare the Castle Hill vision document. The document was completed in 2019 and was prepared in consultation with key Stakeholders, including Historic England and the Friends of Dudley Castle. It sets out over £13m of proposals for Castle Hill with the majority of the funding being targeted towards the heritage assets located within the Castle Hill Conservation Area, in particular Dudley Castle, Four of the Tecton Structures (Elephant House, Tropical Bird House, former Moat Café and Queen Mary Restaurant), Stores Cavern, the Castle Hill Woodland and creation of a new visitor/education building. Thanks to the existence of the Castle Hill Vision – Phase Two it has helped lever in £120,000 from the Getty Foundation ‘Keeping it Modern’ programme, and a Repair Grant from Historic England for Dudley Castle.
On the 8 August 2024 the Castle Hill vision document was formally presented to Dudley Council’s Cabinet in conjunction with the Dudley Borough Cultural Strategy and Action Plan.
Historic England give grants towards the repair and conservation of listed building, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens. This includes project development actions as a basis for repair or future management. Grants under this scheme are intended to reduce the risk faced by some of the most significant historic sites in England and to help facilitate applications for further external grants.
In 2020, Dudley Council was successful and awarded an 80% repair grant by Historic England for Dudley Castle. Between 2021 and 2023 a total grant of £82,000 was provided, with £65,600 coming from Historic England and the other 20% (£16,400) coming from Dudley Council and Dudley Zoo. At the request of Historic England, the funding was used to undertake and the following tasks:
Preliminary Ecology survey followed by extensive vegetation clearance of all self-set trees and bushes impacting on the Castle fabric
3D Measured Survey based on a specification provided the Historic England Geospatial Team.
Condition Survey and Costed Management and Maintenance Plan
Terra Measurement were appointed to do the detailed measured survey and Rodney Melville and Partners were appointed to the condition survey and costed management and maintenance plan. The surveys were completed in 2023 and are now being used by Dudley Council in liaison with Historic England and Dudley Zoo to inform the scope of works required for the next phase of works, which will include targeted fabric repairs and a programme of community engagement.