Dudley Council is currently formulating the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan (AAP) to guide the regeneration of this area. The resultant document will form part of Dudley’s statutory planning framework, and it will be the starting point for making decisions on planning applications in the area. As part of the preparation for the AAP, a Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) report was produced to inform the strategy and policies. The draft Area Action Plan was consulted upon at 'preferred option' stage in February 2008 and a 'Policy Development Update' was published for comments in March 2009. The final draft is expected to be published in November 2009 for consultation prior to being submitted for examination supported by the HLC as evidence.
The HLC will be used to identify constraints and opportunities for future development in the area. The designation of listed buildings, locally listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeological priority areas provides certainty for the development process.
The Historic Landscape Characterisation documents can be downloaded below.