Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) is a method for understanding and mapping the landscape that we see today with reference to its historical development.
Considerable progress has been made by Dudley Council in achieving a fuller analysis and understanding of the local character and distinctiveness of the borough by using historic landscape characterisation (HLC) principles. HLCs can provide key background information and an Evidence Base for planning policies by identifying both positive and negative existing townscape and landscape elements and opportunities for future enhancement.
It includes specific detail about local character and distinctiveness, those individual historic assets contributing to it and the relative significance of those assets in relation to the historic environment as a whole. In particular it supplies a spatially expressed framework of historical understanding upon which Urban Design analysis and proposals for change and enhancement can be mapped. This enables the vision for an area to be rooted in a detailed appreciation of the historic environment and local distinctiveness.
The characterisation identifies constraints and opportunities for future development. The designation of listed buildings, locally listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeological priority areas provides certainty for the development process. Urban design principles emerging from analysis of the existing fabric will enable new developments that reunite historical elements and provide appropriate links between the historic environment and new 21st century urban landscapes.
As part of a national programme supported by English Heritage, Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) was been undertaken for the whole of the Black Country area in 2009. The study was prepared in support of the Black Country Core Strategy, published in 2011. The Black Country HLC analyses and records the origins and development of the modern landscape covering the areas of Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. In 2019 this work was further expanded upon with the publication of the Black Country Historic Landscape Characterisation Study which was prepared in support of the emerging Black Country Plan.
As part of a national program supported and funded by Historic England, Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) has been undertaken for the whole of the Black Country area.
The Black Country HLC aims to be a tool in understanding the existing landscape by placing it firmly in a context of the historical development of its constituent parts. The purpose of producing this is to assist with the sensitive management of the built environment in the future and to inform the local authorities’ Black Country Core Strategy.
The level of detail contained in the Black Country HLC is intentionally broad and strategic and it is being complemented and supplemented by further 'Local Area Character Appraisals' such as the Brierley Hill Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation. These 'drill down' to the local level and seek to define in detail the distinctive character of an area and identify those historic assets which contribute to it. Future change can then be positively managed whilst conserving and enhancing local character and distinctiveness.
The Black Country HLC Study provides an up-to-date evidence base for the emerging Black Country Plan. It identifies across the Black Country specific historic landscape typologies, including: Archaeological Priority Areas (APA’s), Areas of High Historic Townscape Value (AHHTV) Designed Landscapes of High Historic Value (DLHHV) and Areas of High Historic Landscape Value (AHHLV).
In support of the Dudley Borough Development Strategy a Borough-Wide UHLC exercise was undertaken. It contains the Dudley Borough Landscape and Townscape Character Study which provides an analysis of the natural landscape of the borough in terms of geology, hydrology, topography and ecology.
This UHLC identifies 8 broad major Character Areas as follows - A491 Corridor, Limestone Ridge, Illey & Lutley, Stour Valley, Pensnett Chase, Coseley Corner, Hill & Cakemore, and Pedmore Common. The UHLC also contains a slightly more intensive assessment of the Regeneration Corridors identified in the Black Country Core Strategy, including that field work was undertaken with the overarching objective of identifying areas felt to be of high historic townscape value and landscape value. This field work also included a consideration of Archaeological Priority Areas, particularly notable heritage assets and a broad review of existing and potential Conservation Area designations. The Borough-Wide UHLC provides an up-to-date evidence base for the Dudley Borough Development Strategy and is to be used by strategic planners, urban designers, intending developers and others to gain a proper appreciation of the local character and distinctiveness of the borough.
An Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation for Brierley Hill (HLC) report was produced by the Council. It provides background supporting technical evidence to support the policies and strategy within the Brierley Hill AAP document. The HLC, used in combination with the Conservation Area Character Appraisal for Brierley Hill is to be used to identify constraints and opportunities for future development in the area
As part of the preparation for the Dudley AAP, an Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation for Dudley (HLC) report was produced by the Council. It provides background supporting technical evidence to support the policies and strategy within the AAP document. The HLC, used in combination with the Conservation Area Character Appraisals for Castle Hill and Dudley Town Centre is to be used to identify constraints and opportunities for future development in the area.
As part of the preparation for the Halesowen AAP, an Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation For Halesowen (HLC) report was produced by the Council. It provides background supporting technical evidence to support the policies and strategy within the AAP document.
As part of the preparation for the Stourbridge AAP, an Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation for Stourbridge (HLC) report was produced by the Council. It provides background supporting technical evidence to support the policies and strategy within the AAP document.
Dudley Council has adopted a Glass Quarter Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). As part of its preparation an Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation for Stourbridge Glass Quarter (HLC) report was produced. It provides background supporting technical evidence to support the guidance provided within the SPD.