Within Dudley there are a number of buildings, monuments, sites, places and landscapes (otherwise known as non-designated heritage assets) whilst not statutory protected, are considered to contribute to the significance, quality and local distinctiveness of Dudley.
Local distinctiveness brings together all of the features, qualities and details that give different places their unique character and appearance. To ensure that historic assets make a positive contribution towards the wider economic, social and environmental regeneration of Dudley, it's important that they aren't considered in isolation but are conserved and enhanced within their wider context. An holistic approach to the built and natural environment maximises opportunities to improve the overall image and vitality of Dudley by ensuring that historic context informs planning decisions and provides opportunities to link with other regeneration initiatives. This is expanded upon in much more detail in Chapter 6 the Council’s Historic Environment SPD.
The Black Country Core Strategy (Policy ENV 2) and the Dudley Borough Development Strategy (Policy S8) set out our commitment to protect the historic character and local distinctiveness of Dudley's townscapes and landscapes.