Following a review of the Historic Environment SPD, the Council adopted a revised SPD on 13th September 2017.
The planning process has a significant role to play in protecting and enhancing the historic environment for current and future generations - recognising the importance of the historic environment and the benefits it brings to local residents, people who work in the borough and visitors alike.
This revised Historic Environment SPD sets out detailed guidance on Dudley Council’s requirements for protecting and enhancing the Borough’s historic environment, and identifies the evidence base that justifies the Council’s approach.
This SPD guidance is intended to ensure that:
Dudley Borough’s historic environment plays a clear and strong role in any future regeneration, development and management decisions;
Information is provided to all those involved in projects on what should be considered when undertaking works to or affecting the historic environment;
Conservation and archaeological best practice is promoted; and
Dudley Council’s statutory duties relating to the historic environment are fulfilled.
The SPD and the relevant local plan policies are supported by our historic environment evidence base - including the Borough-wide Urban Historic Landscape Characterisation (UHLC).
For applicants who are required to provide in support of their planning application and/or Listed Building Consent a Statement of Heritage Significance they will be required to include reference to the Historic Environment SPD, they are also advised to make reference to the Historic England Advice Note 12: Statements of Heritage Significance (Oct 2019) which can be found on-line.