CIL is a financial levy that Local Authorities can choose to charge on new developments. The money will be used to support development by contributing to the funding of infrastructure that the Council, local community and neighbourhoods want.
Dudley Council's CIL Charging Schedule was implemented on 1 October 2015 and applies to certain residential and retail developments, based on the type, size and location of the development proposal.
Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)
The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2019) came into force on 1 September 2019. Under these regulations, the Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) will replace CIL Regulation 123 Lists as the mechanism through which projects are identified for CIL funding.
The IFS will be published annually and provide a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to S106s and CIL within the District. It will include a statement of infrastructure projects that Dudley Council intends to, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL. It will also set out the CIL spending protocol setting out the process that the Council will undertake for allocating CIL receipts.
The updated 2023/24 Infrastructure Funding Statement was adopted by the Council in December 2024.
Revised CIL Instalments Policy
In light of Covid-19 and the expected economic impact on the development and construction industries, a revised CIL instalments policy was adopted by the Council on the 23rd September 2020, with effect from the 24th September 2020. This policy supersedes the policy set out within the CIL Charging Schedule dated October 2015.
The revised policy applies to both CIL liable planning applications that are granted permission following the adoption of the revised policy and to existing permissions which have not commenced. Those developments that have already commenced will be required to comply with the original October 2015 policy, as required by regulations.
If you are considering buying land for development and/or submitting a planning application in Dudley, please be advised that a CIL charge will apply to all relevant applications.
Planning applications
If your development is liable for CIL you should complete and submit a CIL Additional Information Form and an Assumption of Liability Notice alongside your planning application. Further information can be found on the Planning Portal.
A CIL Calculator has been developed to assist developer in calculating potential CIL charges for individual developments.
Neighbourhood CIL
Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) is intended to help address the demands of new development on the local area. NCIL accounts for 15% of total CIL receipts.
We are now using the Spacehive crowdfunding platform to deliver grant funding projects alongside UKSPF monies, to allocate NCIL monies on a pilot basis until at least March 2025.
Information on what NCIL can fund and the types of organisations that are eligible to pledge can be found on our NCIL factsheet