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Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Factsheet

Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) is intended to help address the demands of new development on the local area

What is Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL)?

The Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) is intended to help address the demands of new development on the local area, accounting for 15% of total CIL receipts.

We now have the opportunity to utilise the Spacehive crowdfunding platform to deliver grant funding projects alongside UKSPF monies, allocating NCIL funds on a pilot basis until at least March 2025. The use of this innovative platform will allow for an effective distribution of NCIL funds and offers greater transparency.

What projects is NCIL eligible to fund?

  • The project must be compliant with Dudley Council’s Corporate and Planning policies.

  • Projects must first demonstrate local support and meet a threshold of 25% of the total funding target raised.

  • The fund can support 50% of the campaign target or up to the maximum of £20,000 pledge (whichever is less).

  • NCIL must fund projects that fall under the definition of 'infrastructure’ or anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area. This means there is a very broad range of potential projects that NCIL could potentially fund, examples of these are listed in the section below.

  • Both revenue and capital costs can be pledged to projects.

  • All projects must have a wider social benefit and cannot be for-profit projects.

  • Projects need to benefit Dudley Borough and its people.

  • Before the Council proposes to contribute towards a project, the owners of the project are required to sign up to the terms and conditions displayed on the crowdfunding website

  • Once the 100% target is reached for your project, all funds pledged from NCIL will be released and the project can be delivered.

Examples of projects NCIL would be eligible to fund:

  • Environmental improvements such as landscaping, cycleways, open space improvements, woodlands and play areas.
  • Public art.
  • Street furniture and public realm improvements.
  • Opportunities for public access and use of water spaces for cultural, recreation and leisure activities.
  • Initiatives to create and promote healthy environments in areas of high density.

What cannot be funded by NCIL?

  • Projects that will only benefit individuals (5 or less) or a single household.
  • Projects that directly benefit or can be perceived to benefit individual councillors.
  • Projects which relate solely to religious purposes.
  • Projects which relate to political activities.
  • Retrospective projects i.e. where the spend has already occurred.

Eligible organisations that pitch to the funds seeking a pledge must be one of the following:

  • Community Interest Company.
  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
  • Company Limited by Guarantee.
  • Social Enterprise.
  • Registered Charity and exempt charities.
  • Public body which assists delivery of community projects.
  • Voluntary group with a constitution, committee and its own bank account.

NCIL is unable to pledge to these groups:

  • Private companies unless they fall into the above criteria.
  • Statutory service providers.
  • Groups proposing projects with political affiliation.
  • Individuals.
  • Educational institutions and religious organisations whose venue or facility is not accessible to the wider community. The project must have a demonstrable benefit to the wider community and not just their own students or congregation or must be held in a public space.

Other important information

  • The funding will continuously run throughout the year, on a first come, first serve basis (subject to meeting the above criteria).

  • Projects can pitch to one or both funds (e.g. UKSPF and NCIL) if the project is eligible and meets both funds criteria. Please note pledges will be capped at a maximum of £40,000 (£20,000 from UKSPF and £20,000 from NCIL).

  • Organisations can pitch to do more than one project; however organisations would be capped at receiving a max of £40,000 as per above, this would be per organisation and not per project.

Contact us

Should you have any questions contact Spacehive’s Project Success Team
