Article 4 Directions
The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows for some types of development or changes of use to take place without planning permission, this is called 'Permitted Development'. These exceptions are set out in the "Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015". Some works which can traditionally be carried out under 'Permitted Development' may require planning permission if those rights are removed through the introduction of an Article 4 Direction.
An Article 4 Direction enables local planning authorities to remove a particular permitted development right in the interest of the proper planning of their area.
Borough Wide HMO Article 4 Direction
Following the confirmation in August 2023, Dudley Council are introducing a new Article 4 Direction (A4d’s) covering the whole borough which will come into force on the 15 September 2023.
The A4D removes the ability for property owners to convert houses (Use Class C3) to small HMO’s for up to 6 people (Use Class C4) without the need for planning permission. Therefore, from the 15 September 2023 a planning application will need to be submitted for this form of development, and before any conversion can take place, planning applications will need to comply with the planning policies set out in the local plan.
A 6-week period to publicise the borough wide direction took place between 15 September 2022 and 31 October 2022. Comments received during this period were considered at the Council’s Cabinet Meeting on 28 June 2023 and Planning Committee on 26 July 2023 and Cabinet and Committee resolved to confirm the new Borough-wide A4D.