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Neighbourhood planning is a process where communities can come together and prepare plans that will guide the type of development they would like to see in their area.

The local community will be the driving force and take responsibility for writing a Neighbourhood plan document.

If you would like more growth than is being promoted in the Dudley Local Plan, you have the opportunity to get together to form a Neighbourhood Forum, to create your own ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ and through a Neighbourhood Plan, you can then permit the development that you want to see in areas where you most want to see it without the need for planning applications, through Neighbourhood Development Orders.

A Neighbourhood Forum must have a membership that includes a minimum of 21 individuals who either -

  • live in the neighbourhood area;
  • work there and/or
  • are elected members for a local authority that includes all or part of the neighbourhood area.

A neighbourhood plan can be very simple and concise or go into considerable detail;

  • are required to be in line with national planning policy, with the strategic vision for the wider area set by Dudley Council and with other legal requirements;
  • should not be used to promote less development than set out in the Dudley Local Plan.

Further guidance on submitting a Neighbourhood Plan

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Regeneration and Enterprise
Council House
Priory Road
West Midlands

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