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Trees are an important part of our heritage and environment. There are many benefits of trees and Dudley Council has the power to make Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) to control the work which is undertaken to trees that make an important contribution to the local area. Additionally, trees which fall within Conservation Areas have a level of protection similar to trees which are covered by a TPO.

Please see Trees in Conservation Areas for further information.

In some circumstances it may also be necessary to obtain a felling licence from the Forestry Commission before felling trees.

This page aims to answer some common questions about Tree Preservation Orders and Conservation Areas. If you plan to fell trees that are not in a residential garden you should also refer to the Forestry Commission website for information on Felling Licences.

If you are aware of trees in danger of being destroyed, which you feel are worth protecting, you can ask the Authority to consider making an Order. Copies of all existing orders can be inspected at the Planning Services Reception.

Online Tree Preservation Order Applications

Planning and Building Control facility enables you to search for Tree Preservation Order Applications. You can additionally access Weekly Planning Lists of decisions made with respect to applications.

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Development Management
Planning and Economic Development
Directorate of Place
4 Ednam Road
West Midlands

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