The appearance and treatment of the spaces between and around buildings is considered to be an integral part of all types of new development and can do much to improve the surroundings in which people live and work. In Dudley the council is committed to improving the general appearance of the Borough and landscaping makes a key contribution to that aim.
The Dudley Unitary Development Plan (UDP), is the sole statutory land-use plan for Dudley Council which provides clear guidelines for environmental considerations and future development in the Borough.
Development Sites
Special care is needed for trees on development sites and close to utilities as they can easily be damaged or killed during the work. Legislation and guidelines already exist for building or working with utilities close to trees. The majority of damage is to the roots, which can take many years to show, so it is vital to follow the advice given in these documents.
Trees on development sites or close to utilities can be killed or damaged by:
Root cutting when digging foundations, putting in services, laying a drive or other hard surface.
- Change in land levels.
- Scraping off topsoil.
- Storing materials underneath tree canopies.
- Compaction of the soil.
- Leaking fuel and dumping cement.
Contact Us
Planning Help Desk
Development Management
Planning and Economic Development
Directorate of Place
4 Ednam Road
West Midlands
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