The Planning Enforcement Team works with officers from Benefit Fraud, Private Sector Housing, Building Control and West Midlands Police on a project to tackle landlords who do not have the correct consents and/or licences in place.
This project is a joint initiative and was Highley Commended by the National Planning Awards.
Landlords must ensure that they satisfy regulations which are enforced by the Local Authority including obtaining planning consents for subdivision of properties into multiple units; mandatory HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) licence for properties of 3 storeys with 5 occupants; and meeting housing standards.
If you wish to report a landlord or property where either regulation is not being adhered to, the property is dangerous, in a bad state of repair or is overcrowded, or just have concerns about how the property is being used, then please advise us by completing our online form.
Alternatively, you can contact our Private Sector Housing Duty Desk for advice. They can be contacted on 01384 815118 during the hours 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday.
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Council House
West Midlands
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