It is a legal requirement for most food businesses to provide documentary evidence that the food they produce is safe.
This should:
- Identify and show an understanding of the food safety hazards (microbiological, physical, chemical and allergens) within the business
- Provide evidence that measures have been taken to effectively control these hazards and that these measures are reviewed as appropriate
- Provide evidence that all food handlers are supervised and instructed and/or trained in food hygiene matters in order that they produce food that is safe to eat
SFBB systems
The Food Standards Agency has produced the Safer Food Better Business systems, to help create a documented food safety management system for many types of food business, but not all.
- Caterers - small catering businesses such as restaurants, cafés and takeaways that have registered with the local authority as a food business.
- Retailers - small retail businesses that sell food, including any food that needs to be kept cold to keep it safe, e.g. milk, dairy products, cooked meats, salads, desserts or sandwiches
- Indian cuisine - small catering businesses such as restaurants and takeaways that serve Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Sri Lankan cuisines
- Chinese cuisine in English - small catering businesses such as restaurants and takeaways that serve Chinese cuisine
- Chinese cuisine in Cantonese - small catering businesses such as restaurants and takeaways that serve Chinese cuisine
- Childminders - for registered childminders or child carers on domestic premises who usually provide meals and drinks for the children in their care
- Residential Care Homes - supplement for small residential care homes that prepare and cook food for the residents in their care. This supplement is not intended for use in nursing homes. Nursing homes require other food safety procedures that are not covered by SFBB, for example a full infection control policy
- Teaching resources for colleges - teaching resources for catering students intended to promote understanding of food safety management and Safer Food Better Business (SFBB)
For each pack, you can download the full pack or download specific sections as you need them.
The caterers SFBB pack can also be ordered directly from this department for £20. Please ensure that you specify the address where you wish the pack to be sent to.
A SFBB diary refill is available below which you can print off and use when you need more pages.
If you are unsure which information pack is suitable for your business, please contact the Food Team at