Any business planning to store explosives such as fireworks, gunpowder, safety cartridges, or detonators (including air bag detonators), is required by law to have a current explosives registration or licence.
Any business planning to store more than 5 kg Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) of explosives including fireworks, gunpowder, safety cartridges or detonators (including air bag detonators), is required by law to have a current explosives registration or licence. If all that is stored is cartridges, you can keep up to 15kg NEQ without registration. That is approximately 100,000 cartridges. However, most insurance companies require a registration for amounts below 15 kg NEQ.
If you plan to sell fireworks all year round, you require an additional licence under the Fireworks Regulations 2004. You will need to apply to West Midlands Fire Service.
If you are storing small quantities at home you do not need a licence, but you should still follow the safety and use guidance.
There are still general duties to:
Prevent fire and explosion.
Prevent unauthorised access to explosives.
Not to manufacture explosives without a licence from the HSE.
There are four categories of fireworks. The Fireworks (Safety) Regulations 1997 (as amended) specify those which may be supplied to the general public. All other fireworks may only be supplied to a restricted range of persons and organisations which are specified in the 1997 Regulations.
The local Licensing authority is the West Midlands Fire Service, which will only issue registrations to premises deemed suitable to sell fireworks.
The Fireworks (Safety) Regulations 1997 (as amended) specify those which may be supplied to the general public.