A car boot sale is an outdoor sale where people sell unwanted possessions, usually from the boots of their cars. If you would like to hold a car boot sale in Dudley, you must apply for permission from us.
At least one month’s notice must be given to us for all events. Holding a car boot sale/temporary market without having given the requisite notice may render the operator and occupier of land liable to a fine up to £2500.
Each approved car boot sale will be limited to no more than 50 cars (or spaces).
Every vendor should sell or display only articles surplus to their own domestic requirements, normally described as jumble or bric-a-brac (including books, records etc). The sale of new goods is NOT permitted. Commercial vehicles are not permitted to trade at the event.
A list of the names, addresses and car registration numbers of every vendor must be submitted to the Director of Law and Governance, Property Management & Valuations, 4 Ednam Road, Dudley, DY1 1HL, within 28 days of each event.
Where a charity or charities benefit from the event, the appropriate certificate (Form of Statement) must be completed and returned within 28 days of the event.
We do not issue a licence unless any necessary planning consent has been granted. Advice about planning permission should be sought prior to an event taking place (full details in the Code of Practice).
How to make an application
To make an application you can either apply and pay online for a car boot licence or download the application form below and send it with the relevant fee to the address given. Alternatively please telephone 01384 815323 for an application pack to be sent to you.
A charge of £91.00 + VAT (Total = £109.20) (non-refundable) is made for the process of obtaining a licence, please enclose your remittance with the completed application form.
Please make any cheques payable to Dudley MBC and crossed account payee.