To collect money or sell articles you may need a street trading or collection licence from us.
A car boot sale is an outdoor sale where people sell unwanted possessions, usually from the boots of their cars. If you would like to hold a car boot sale in Dudley, you must apply for permission from us.
The Consumer Credit Act 1974 requires most businesses that offer goods or services on credit or lend money to consumers to be licensed by the OFT. Trading without a licensing arrangement is a criminal offence and can result in a fine and/or imprisonment.
A licence is required principally for door to door charitable collections, either made with collecting tins or by returning to collect a previously posted envelope. It will also cover collections of money made on a "pub crawl" and for example collections of tin foods for redistribution or "jumble" for charity sales.
To collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes in England or Wales, you may need a street collection permit from us.
A Street Trading Consent is required for anyone who is proposing to offer goods for sale from a permanent venue.