Longer, healthier lives for all.
Since April 2013, the Dudley Health & Wellbeing Board (HWBB) has been responsible for the health and wellbeing of all residents in Dudley borough.
Using local evidence, it works to help identify the needs of local residents, improve efficiency, secure better care to improve health and wellbeing as well as tackle health inequalities across the borough.
‘The aim of the joint health & wellbeing strategy is to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Dudley borough and to reduce health inequalities.
All about the borough
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment provides a starting point for discussion and debate about the health and wellbeing of people in Dudley.
- Go to the All About Dudley website
Director of Public Health Annual report
The purpose of the Public Health Annual Report is to demonstrate the state of health within communities. It should add value over and above existing data and health intelligence, which is readily available, and should present an independent view to inform local people about the health of their community.
The purpose of the Dudley for Everyone; COVID-19, looking back moving forward report is to demonstrate the state of health within communities.
The report focuses on the challenges of the global pandemic and its impact and our response in Dudley.
This report (2021-2022) is both broad and narrow in that it covers several aspects like the impact of Coronavirus pandemic, the impact of the rising cost-of-living, the war in Ukraine, and looks at our specific responses to these significant challenges that have no doubt changed our lifestyle.
The recommendations included in this report outlines how public health can improve the health and wellbeing of residents in our communities and help achieve the borough’s vision for 2030.