We are committed to investigating cases where building work or other development appears to have occurred without the necessary planning permission. Our Planning Enforcement Procedure document sets out how complaints regarding alleged unauthorised development will be processed and actioned.
The procedure guide, a copy of which can be downloaded below, provides information on:
- the purpose of planning enforcement
- the matters which are and are not planning enforcement issues
- the information which will be required for a complaint to be valid
- the process for investigating a valid complaint
- the powers the Council can potentially use in order to deal with harmful unauthorised development
How to submit a planning enforcement complaint
The Planning Enforcement Procedure sets out the information which will be required in order for us to log and investigate a complaint relating to planning enforcement. You are required to view the plan prior to submitting an enquiry, and any complaints which do not provide the necessary information as required by the procedure will be deemed invalid and returned.
If you have an issue which you wish to report, please ensure to check the procedure document before contacting us, firstly in order to make sure that the issue is planning enforcement related, and secondly in order to make sure that you have provided all of the necessary information which is required for the complaint to be deemed valid. We will not investigate complaints which are not planning related, or where the enquirer has not reasonably looked into the matter themselves by checking the procedure before making a complaint.
Once you have checked the Planning Enforcement Procedure, and if you still feel that your issue is planning related and that a planning breach has occurred, please submit your enquiry using the link below, attaching any additional information or evidence you my have, for example photographs of the site involved, to the complaint form.
To complete the complaint form please open and edit the PDF document. Once you have completed all the relevant sections please save the document and attach it to an email along with photographs. Please note the complaint will not be validated without the site photographs, please refer to the Enforcement Plan at the bottom of the page for further information.
Please send your completed form and photographs to development.control@Dudley.gov.uk
Contact Us
Telephone: 01384 814136
Regeneration and Enterprise
Council House
Priory Road
West Midlands
Find us on Google Maps