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If you are unable to move your bins or recycling containers for collection because of a disability or medical condition, you may be eligible for assisted collections.

We can arrange for our team to collect your bins and containers on your collection day from an agreed place in front of your property and return them to the same place once emptied.


Assistance is available for any residential property where all of the occupants who are aged 16 or older are physically unable to move their bins or recycling containers for collection.

Typically this will be due to infirmity or disability. We will ask you to provide details of this when you apply for help.

There must be no family member or neighbour who can help you.

Supporting Photographs

You can upload up to 2 photographs to support your request. The photograph(s) need to show your property from the kerbside and include any hazards, e.g. steps, gates, gravel drives.

house example correct image 

Making a request

If you believe that you, and everyone living at your property meet the criteria you can ask us to provide help. Either complete our online request form or contact Dudley Council Plus.

Already have an assisted collection?

Once you start to receive assistance we will write to you every three years to ask you to confirm that you still meet the eligibility requirements for the service. Our letter will tell you how to do this.

You can tell us at any time if you no longer need our help by completing the form above or contacting Dudley Council Plus.

This is especially important if your infirmity or disability was temporary and has now improved.