The 18-40 team and the 40+ team work with individuals who have been assessed by the preventative service and deemed to be appropriate for mental health community social care services or who are already under secondary mental health services and require social care support.
Who is eligible?
- Adults aged 18+ with a mental health diagnosis (excluding Dementia related conditions if not subject to Section 117 Aftercare arrangements)
- Adults with a diagnosis of Autism whose primary need is severe and enduring mental health and open to secondary mental health services
- Adults who are known to Secondary Mental Health Services, Forensic Services, Community Recovery Service, or Older Adults Mental Health Team
- Adults subject to Section 117 Aftercare under the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) not open to Dudley Disability Service (DDS) and whose primary need is mental health
Who is in the team?
18-40 team:
- 1 Team Manager
- 1 Assistant Team Manager
- 5 Senior Social Workers
- 4 Assistant Care Co-Ordindators
- 1 Social Worker
40+ team:
- 1 Team Manager
- 1 Assistant Team Manager
- 4 Senior Social Workers
- 4 Assistant Care Co-Ordinators
- 1 Social Worker
When a Care Act assessment is needed
Individuals will be supported to access care packages where appropriate. This support may include domiciliary or residential care. All reviews including 117 reviews will be completed within the designated statutory timeframes, annually or earlier. The team will ensure that the most appropriate funding streams are accessed to support the individuals care needs. Examples may include the personalisation agenda, i.e. Direct Payments, CHC Funding and or 117 aftercare, this is not an exhaustive list.
Strengths based practice
Individuals will be supported to access training, employment, volunteering, and other activities that are meaningful to them.
Individuals will be signposted to allied services to maximise their health and wellbeing, these may include housing, benefits and health services and other appropriate services.
The 18-40 and 40+ mental health social care teams will work with all individuals through a strengths-based approach, social care staff will develop interventions by listening to the voice of the individual.
Social care staff will ensure that the required statutory duties are met relating to carers and any other duties as declared by the Care Act 2014, Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the 2007 Act, The Mental Capacity Act 2005, The Human Rights Act 1998, and any other related legislation.
How to make a referral to the 18-40 or 40+ teams
Referrals to be made via the Access Team either by phone or email
After the referral is made
The team will support citizens who are aged 18-40 and have an index mental health diagnosis which has been assessed as requiring care at a secondary care level. As such citizens will be open to statutory Social Care and / or Health Services. Citizens may be subject to either CPA Approach or Non-CPA Approach. Consequently, some citizens will have a designated Care Coordinator, or OT, or Social Work intervention.
All citizens either on CPA or Non-CPA will have a designated Consultant Psychiatrist (Responsible Clinician). It should be noted that citizens within this cohort may be subject to S117 Aftercare having previously detained on s3, s37/41. The team will work in a strengths-based manner to support citizens to live their lives in the way that they chose as safely as possible.
It is acknowledged that a number of citizens may require joint working due to complexity of their presentation and may require support in a variety of social and financial matters for example housing, employment and benefit entitlement this is not an exhaustive list.
Fundamentally, the team will work with citizens to promote their recovery using the least restrictive options available. Interventions will not always be delivered by qualified workers and support will be provide by designated Assistant Care Coordinators.
Other options
- Where an individual's physical needs are more prevalent, discussions will be held between the Mental Health Team and appropriate locality team to arrange for the case management responsibility to be transferred or agreement for joint working e.g., one team completes the care act assessment, and the mental health team completes the S117 review
- If there is a dispute regarding the appropriate team to assess, discussions will be held between appropriate management teams to agree a way forward which could include undertaking joint assessments before re allocating the case in LAS