Dudley Young Carers Service can make a real difference to children and young people who provide care and support to a parent, sibling or family member.
The service is provided by Dudley Carers Hub working along with Forward Carers and Action for Children.
The support on offer includes young carers support groups, educational workshops, and lots of fun social and recreational activities designed to support young people who are juggling a caring role, helping them to develop resilience, and supporting their health and wellbeing.
What is on offer?
- one to one young carer support
- information, guidance and signposting
- emotional support through counselling
- training sessions and workshops
- holiday activities
- regular newsletters
- support at professional meetings
- school support and transition to college/university or employment.
visit Carer Friendly Dudley to find out more, or to access support for young carers.
Offer advice to young people aged 13-19 (or 25 if you have a disability) on a range of topics from employment and training, to health and housing needs. Staff from Connexions are aware of the role of young carers and where additional support may be found. Email Connexions Dudley.
Supporting carers locally throughout the UK. Visit the Carers Trust website for more information.