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To contact us please use the following options:

Community housing teams

Housing Hubs

We have the following Housing Hubs where you can get advice and support face-to-face:

  • Brierley Hill Housing Hub is located within the ground floor of Yeovil Court on Chapel Street and is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am to 2pm and Thursdays from 10am to midday.
  • Halesowen Housing Hub is on Andrew Road and open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm.
  • Netherton Housing Hub is located on Giles Street and is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm.

The Community Housing Teams deliver a tenancy and estate management service from the Hubs providing advice, support and information to individual households to help maintain their tenancies.

Repairs management centre

The best way to report a repair is with MyDudley. For emergencies, such as a burst pipe or for any issue regarding gas or electrics, telephone 0300 555 8283.

You can also visit one of our pop-up housing surgeries:

  • Dudley North family centre, Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoon
  • Stourbridge Library, alternate Tuesday mornings and Wednesday afternoons

Freephone facilities

There are 'freephones' in various locations around the borough, so that you can contact us.  

Supported housing

Sheltered scheme locations and contact information

General enquiry

Online: Contact us

Your Contact Details

If you have given us permission to use your contact details (mobile, landline and email address) we will use these to discuss, email or text you on matters relating to your Housing Service. We will protect your details and store the information in compliance with the Data Protection act and we will only share your contact details where there is a lawful basis to do so, for example: for crime of fraud prevention. To opt out of text messages, please use the form below.