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How to make a claim on your home contents insurance policy

Find details below on how to complete a claim, what documents you will need, and what to expect during your application.

You must make your claim within 60 days of the incident by either:

  • Call our Loss Adjusters Crawford and Company on 0161 875 8988
  • Or make a claim online by clicking the button below.

If you require any assistance once you have submitted a claim, you can call our Tenants Insurance Team at Dudley Council on 01384 815051 who will obtain updates on your behalf, alternatively you can call our Loss Adjusters Crawford & Co on 0161 875 8988 for updates at any point during your claim process.

Important Information

You must tell the police about all incidents of accidental loss, theft, attempted theft, or vandalism, loss, damage or injury caused by malicious persons.

Send every letter or document about a claim immediately to the Loss Adjuster at Crawford and Company, 1st Floor, Building 8, Exchange Quay, Salford Quays, Manchester, M5 3EJ.

You, or any other person insured under this policy, or anyone acting on your or their behalf must not negotiate any claim or admit liability without the written permission of the Loss Adjuster.

Supply at your own expense all reports, certificates, plans, specifications, information and assistance reasonably required.

Claims not submitted within 60 days of the incident will be disallowed.

Emergency Claims- Out of Hours Helpline

This service is operated by Crawford & Company, Loss Adjusters and will provide policyholders with assistance for home emergencies where it is not possible to contact Dudley MBC. It is available 24 hours a day.

Your helpline telephone number is 0870 606 1234.

REMEMBER any repair charges will be indicated to YOU before YOU accept the contractor's help and payment of the bill will be your responsibility.

However, if the damage is covered by your policy, the Insurers will reimburse YOU for the bill. Claims should be submitted after following the claims procedure above.

For non-emergency claims please contact The Dudley Council Insurance Team by calling 01384 815051 (office hours) for a claim form or use the link to the Crawford & Co Online Claim Submission System given above.