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Naming of new streets and numbering of properties

We are responsible for the naming and numbering of new streets, and the changing / reallocation of individual property addresses

We provide the definitive source of address information and supply new property addresses and street names. This function is carried out in accordance with the Public Health Act 1925 (sections 17-19)

Street name plates and door numbers

It is a legal requirement under the Public Health Act 1925 that there is adequate signage erected in a clear, prominent position in relation to the builds showing any street names and sub names (for terrace or block names).

Any number and/or property name that is associated with identifying individual properties must also be displayed in a clear, prominent position that can be read from the roadside. On new developments, it is the developers’ responsibility to erect the appropriate signage once the builds are ready for occupation.

Further information:

Naming of new streets

Naming of new streets is carried out under Section 17 Public Health Act 1925.

When a new housing development is built, the responsibility for naming new streets rests with us. We have an approved policy for road naming which is:

  • The name(s) will have a proven historical connection to the land intended for development.

  • It will not be a living person's name nor a deceased person unless there is a historical connection to the land intended for development.

  • The names will not be the same or similar to any existing names in the borough.

  • If the development contains a new network of streets a theme may be chosen.

  • If no suitable historical name can be found to the land then adjacent area may be utilised.

Suggestions for road names may be submitted by the developer for consideration. To prevent new road names which are close to, and may conflict with those in adjoining Boroughs, the Royal Mail will be consulted.

The emergency services prefer this method for naming new roads as they know there is only one road with that name within the borough.

Postal numbering

Postal numbering is carried out under Section 64 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847.

We are responsible for the numbering of new properties. Numbers are allocated to enable easy and rapid location of buildings by both routine and emergency callers, on the following basis:

  • A house number is the preferred option but where this is not practical house names are issued.

  • Where properties have a name and no number we have the power to create numbering schemes and make residents use house numbers. However this power is not used very often.

  • Emergency services prefer a numbering system.

  • Only we can authorise a change in number or name for a property.

  • Royal Mail and all statutory undertakers such as Electricity, Gas, Water and Telephone together with the Emergency Services, Land Registry and Electoral Registration are then informed of the change.

Building numbers

Numbering is carried out in many different ways but the most popular are:

  • As you enter a development - odds on left, evens on right

  • If it is a small development, they can be numbered consecutively.

  • If one or more dwellings are built between two others usually a suffix of "a"”b” “c” etc. is added to the number.

  • Blocks of flats and apartments may be given a name with each dwelling.

  • Numbered consecutively - Short cul-de-sac usually have consecutive numbering whilst through roads and longer cul-de-sac have an odds and evens scheme ascending away from the town centre.

House names

The allocation of a house name may be permitted but where a numbering scheme is in place it would be an addition to that number and not a replacement. In such cases there is a requirement to request authorisation.

Please note that the original number should always be displayed on the property, and quoted within your address on all correspondence, for example:

Rose Cottage
2 The High Street
Post code

When considering a name for your property contact us to find out if the preferred name is already in use in the immediate area.

Post code allocation

Royal Mail are the sole providers of postcode information. We do not have the ability to change or alter your postcode unless asked to do so by the Royal Mail.

When a new address has been created we inform the Royal Mail Address Development Centre who will allocate the new postcode. They will not issue postcodes for new properties unless requested to do so by us. In addition, Royal Mail do not have the ability to change or alter your official address unless asked to do so by us.

In the case of developments in existing roads where no new street name is required, or in existing roads where there are no street numbers, the owner may be allowed to choose a house name.

Dispatch of information

Beyond the house builder or occupier of property we have a list of interested parties who need address information. This includes not just other areas of the Council but the emergency services, statutory undertakers, and utility companies. These people receive a list of new and amended postal addresses when issued.

Renaming and renumbering existing streets

On extremely rare occasions, it may be necessary to rename or renumber an existing street. This is only ever done as a last resort in cases such as:

  • Confusion over a street name.

  • A road is subject to a stopping up order.

  • New properties are built on the street and there is a need for existing properties to be renumbered to accommodate the new builds./

  • The number of named-only properties in a street is deemed to be causing confusion.

Applications for changing existing street names which do not fall into the above categories will not be acknowledged.


Contact us

Traffic & Transportation
4 Ednam Road

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 8.45am to 5pm
Offices are closed on weekends and bank holidays.