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Stourbridge Branch Canal (Canal Street)

  • Stourbridge Branch Canal (Amblecote)

  • Stourbridge Sixteen Locks

  • Delph Locks

The Conservation Areas above were originally designated over 20 years ago. Dudley Council's Historic Environment Section has now completed a review of those designations to assess whether the areas retain their special historic interest, to review their boundaries and to develop proposals for their future management. A Conservation Area Character Appraisal has been produced as a result.

The Appraisal, which includes maps of the revised boundaries, can be downloaded at the end of this page.

How the Appraisal was produced

Public Consultation on the draft Appraisal took place between 1st February and 2nd March 2007. The comments received were collated and summarised in the Public Consultation Report, which is incorporated within the Appraisal document. The Appraisal was approved for publication by the Development Control Committee on the 19th March 2007.

In brief summary, a combination of factors define the special interest justifying designation:

  • Intrinsic historic significance as part of the late 18th and early 19th century canal network and the canals pivotal role in the development and growth of the Black Country itself;
  • The architectural and historical interest of buildings, bridges, locks and other canal structures and including listed buildings and scheduled monuments;
  • Local details that collectively and individually give the conservation areas their distinctive identity;
  • Significance for biodiversity and geology - role as wildlife corridors through the town;
  • Present day uses as a popular leisure resource for boating, walking, cycling and angling.

Broad Proposals for the Management and Enhancement of the Conservation Area

The Appraisal sets out some broad principles for the management and enhancement of the Canal Conservation Areas - these will be added to in a more site specific manner as consultation progresses with canal users, the Canal Trusts and British Waterways;

  • The Council will seek to protect all buildings and canal related structures of a positive contribution to the conservation areas from inappropriate alteration, extension, unjustified demolition or removal;

  • The Council will seek to ensure that new canalside development positively addresses the Canal and enhances its setting, including through high quality landscaping;

  • The Council and British Waterways will seek to ensure better access to the canals for all, including improved access points and linkages to the surrounding areas;

  • The Council will seek to protect the nature conservation value of canals and will promote biodiversity.

Boundary Changes

Many years ago at the time of designation it was accepted practice to confine canal conservation area boundaries very tightly to the waterway.

Today, the importance of the wider setting of the canal in contributing to its overall character is recognised, as is the major significance of the historic survivals of canalside industries. This is reflected in the boundary amendments, as shown in the Character Appraisal which can be downloaded below.

If you require any further information about the appraisal or conservation areas in Dudley, please contact us using the details below.

Contact Details

Strategic Planning and Historic Environment
Planning and Economic Development
Directorate of Place
4 Ednam Road
West Midlands

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