Conservation Area Character Appraisal for Brierley Hill High Street
The appraisal
In brief summary, the appraisal concluded that the special interest that justifies the designation of Brierley Hill High Street Conservation Area derives from the following features:
Local details that collectively and individually give the conservation area a distinctive identity i.e. the strong sense of enclosure, the quality of surviving historic buildings, the survival of intact detailing, the institutional character and the relationship to open space.
Its significance as part of the early 19th to early 20th century development of the Borough;
The group value of surviving buildings and spaces related to the development of the commercial centre;
The value of civic and public buildings reflecting the development of the community;
The survival of buildings relating to the Borough’s industrial past;
Its importance as a historic record of the economic development of the Borough;
The architectural and historic interest of the area's historic buildings, both locally and nationally;
The emergence of local character achieved through repeated use of locally distinctive materials and detailing.
The appraisal also identified certain weaknesses that currently detract from the character and appearance of the area, for example:
Negative buildings or features.
Buildings in need of repair or maintenance
Loss of key historic buildings
Loss of historic shopfronts
Opportunities for replacement of mid and later 20th century buildings
Poorly defined open space at Bank Street/High Street/Level Street junction.
Street surfacing
How the appraisal was produced
Public Consultation on the draft appraisal took place between 17th March and 28th April 2008. The comments received were collated and summarised in a Public Consultation Report, which is included within the final Appraisal document below. The finalised Appraisal and Management Proposals were approved for publication by the Development Control Committee on the 15th December 2008. The Conservation Area was formally designated on the 12th March 2009.
The effects of designation
Designation as a conservation area brings a number of specific statutory provisions aimed at assisting the "preservation and enhancement" of the area. These controls include requiring Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of any unlisted building, fewer permitted development rights for alterations and extensions, restrictions on advertisements and requiring notice for proposed tree works.
An Article 4 Direction is also proposed for the Conservation Area and further information on this can be found in the Leaflet/Questionnaire, which can be downloaded below.
Proposals for the future management of the conservation area
The final appraisal sets out management proposals that the Council will adhere to when considering any new proposals, in order to achieve the preservation and enhancement of the Conservation Area's special character.
This conservation area consultation is part of a wider initiative called the Brierley Hill Area Action Plan.
If you require any further information about the Appraisal or conservation areas in Dudley , please contact us.