Every planning application is considered and determined having regard to the Development Plan and any other material considerations. Anyone is entitled to comment on or object to a planning application, but to be effective any objection must focus upon the 'planning merits' of the case.
During the process of determining a planning application members of the public that could be affected by the proposed development can submit their views to Dudley Council.
There is a time period during which comments should be made. If you have received a letter and would like to comment on the application via the website, please submit any comments by the date indicated on the letter. Alternatively, if you have not received a letter please contact the case officer who will advise of the deadline for submitting your comments. Please be aware that comments received after the deadline may not be taken into account in determination of the application.
The council has a duty to take these views into consideration when deciding the application, but only where the views represent what are known as “Material Planning Considerations.” These include:
Loss of light or overshadowing
Scale of development proposed
Impact on trees
Impact on highway safety
Considerations which cannot be taken into account include:
Right to a view
Loss of property value
You may have received a letter notifying you of a nearby development proposal. If you have any concerns then any objection must be rational, impersonal and directed principally to the planning issues raised by the proposal.
Establish the facts, because all too often objections are submitted which are based on an incorrect understanding of the application. You can inspect the application forms, plans, drawings and other information submitted by the applicant. You may wish to discuss the application with a Planning Officer so that any technical details can be better appreciated.
You may wish to consider whether simply discussing the application with the applicant could resolve any of your concerns which could lead to the application being modified or improved.
If after considering the application and reviewing the options you still wish to make representations then the next step is to send your comments in writing to us. Your objections will need to be made within the 21 day consultation period.
You can make a comment on a planning application as follows:
By Post: Write to Development Control as per the contact details below
Please note when making your comments that:
Comments can be in favour of the application, against the application, or to provide further clarification;
You should quote the planning application reference number and the address to which the application relates;
You should be aware that written comments will be placed on the application file and made available on the website for viewing by any interested member of the public. Please see ourData Protection Disclaimerweb page for further information;
Comments made verbally cannot be accepted as representations.
The Council reserves the right to obscure or refrain from publishing comments they consider to be defamatory | harmful to either the objector or applicant.
We will consider your comments along with council and national policies and guidelines.
Most planning applications are determined under delegated powers by the planning officers but if the application needs to be considered by theDevelopment Control Committeewe will not copy all the letters received but your comments will be summarised in a report. Your letter may be copied and circulated to members with the committee papers. A petition and/or a bundle of standard letters will be regarded as one objection when referred to in the officer's report.
For further information on Development Control Committee and the associated procedures please visitCommittee Information.