This Commercial Strategy has been developed to support the Council in the delivery of the Council Plan and the Borough Vision and is a key element of the medium-term financial strategy to support the recovery from COVID-19.
Dudley Council’s vision to become a commercial organisation is set against a backdrop of financial challenges and the desire to have the best possible outcomes for residents. The following principles are detailed within the strategy:
1. Maximise existing income and generate sustainable new income streams – ensuring a surplus or contribution to fixed costs
2. Deliver commercial efficiencies and savings through collaborating across the whole organisation and in partnership with public, private and third sector organisations
3. Research, develop and implement business cases for viable commercial investment opportunities e.g. maximise commercial benefits from the 2022 Commonwealth Games
4. Develop a commercial culture where managers and staff are empowered to innovate, whilst being risk aware
5. Keep things simple, working to identify and overcome barriers to commercial opportunities
6. Strengthen scrutiny and governance of commercial arrangements