We only collect information from Delegates where there is a mandated requirement, or we have identified a business need. Types of information we collect are:
Personal information related to your work (such as name, job role, name/address of employer, works phone number and works email address)
Information relating to disability to ensure our training venue and material are accessible
Comments, compliments and complaints (personal information in order for us to respond to your comments where needed)
Dudley Welfare Rights Service
Delegate information is collected by WRS and used for the provision of training to adults working in roles internal and external of the council.
Information is used to:
Enable us to correspond with you to offer, and confirm, training places on our courses
Enable us to gather feedback on provision of our courses so that we can evaluate and monitor the quality of our service
Allow us to provide you with a certificate of achievement for your training
Assist us to ensure the provision of an accessible learning environment and materials for training
Some personal details may be taken from you when you enquire about a course. This is done to enable us to contact you about learning opportunities with us and will be done with your consent.
We need to collect and process your information in order to facilitate booking and delivery of our courses
You have given consent
You have entered an agreement with us
Within Dudley Council information may be shared with other Council departments where necessary to follow up a service request, complaint or to take other action requested by or agreed with you to support the development or improvement of Dudley Council services and activities.
Your data is held securely on Dudley MBC premises and IT servers adhering to the council wide data protection rules
We will not sell or share your information to a third party
Where you have given consent, we will contact you regarding courses which may interest you
Your details will not be passed to other marketing companies
Personal details relating to your learning will be retained for 6 years
What are your rights
You have the right:
to ask for access to information about you that we hold
to have your personal data rectified, if it is inaccurate or incomplete
to request the deletion or removal of personal data where there is no compelling reason for its continued processing
to restrict our processing of your personal data (i.e. permitting its storage but no further processing)
to have your personal data rectified, if it is inaccurate or incomplete
to object to direct marketing (including profiling) and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics
not to be subject to decisions based purely on automated processing where it produces a legal or similarly significant effect on you
If we are processing your personal information using your consent, you can withdraw your consent at any time.
Further information If you have any worries or questions about how your personal information is handled please contact our Data Protection Officer at information.governance@dudley.gov.uk or by calling 0300 555 8283 For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at:
Information Commissioner's Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number.