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Building Control

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Weekly lists

In addition to building control applications, we also provide a weekly list of applications received.

Apply for building control

Information on how to apply, site inspections and completion certificates.

Advice and guidance

Find out more about building control.

Proposed new fees

The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 (as amended). Regulation 12. Dudley MBC propose to increase their Building Control Fees with effect from 1st January 2023. A copy of the new fees is available online.

Please note from 1 January 2024 we will no longer invoice for any application, all application fees must be paid in full at the time of application submission.

Building Regulations

Within England most construction work is covered by the Building Regulations. These are technical standards set by the government and all but the most minor building work carried out must conform to these standards. The Building Control service is responsible for ensuring the compliance with the building regulations by giving feedback on plans and providing site inspections.

Building Regulations are designed to ensure the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people in and around buildings, the conservation of fuel power and water and the accessibility to and facilities within buildings.

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