The Building Control service will accept, assess and make decisions on applications submitted to it, to ensure the requirements of The Building Regulations are met by the proposals.
We will also carry out site inspections during the course of a building project to verify compliance.
Upon satisfactory completion of the building works, a Completion Certificate will be issued when requested by the applicant. This is a very important document should the building be sold, and so should be kept safe.
The Building Control Service also contains Dudley Council's Access Officer who can offer advice and guidance on accessibility issues.
Find out more about the Building Regulations in England.
If you are carrying out demolition works in Dudley, check below to see if you need our permission.
Permitted development rights are provided by the Town and Country Planning (England) Order 2015 (the GPDO) to allow certain types of development to proceed without the need for a planning application, since planning permission for them is deemed to be granted.
Open and Derelict properties represent a wasted resource that could be better utilised to alleviate homelessness and address housing needs.
Unauthorised work is building work that has started without a Building Regulation application being deposited. If you think that this may have happened, please contact Building Control to report it.