Lonely or isolated
The winter months can be long and lonely for many people. This is especially true for older people or those with a disability or long-term health condition. This is why it is important to check in on others and ensure they are warm and safe this winter.
It is helpful to keep ourselves busy. For information on thousands of activities, services and events across the Dudley borough, take a look at the Dudley Community Information Directory.
Our Pleased to Meet You scheme offers support to people feeling lonely. Our helpline offers a friendly chat, or the chance to find out about help in the local area, including assistance arranging for grocery or medicine supplies to be dropped off to you. Telephone 01384 812761 Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
There is also the Beacon Centre Befriending Project. This is a befriending service for lonely or isolated older people who live in Dudley borough. A range of befriending support is on offer - telephone chats, email support, or, if appropriate, visits. Telephone 01902 880111 or email: referrals@beaconvision.org
You can find more information on how you can stay connected on Healthy Dudley, Dudley Council’s Public Health page.
Dudley Carers Hub
Caring for a family member, friend or neighbour this winter? It is important that carers look after themselves during the winter months, as well as the person they care for. Dudley Carers Hub offers practical help, advice and information to unpaid carers of all ages. Telephone 01384 818723.