When applying for permission please take time to read this section carefully as an application made on the wrong form can't be "transferred" to a different type of application, this is a common cause of delay.
There is one exception however, a residential extension can be made on either a full planning permission form or a householder form, it's just there are fewer questions on the full planning permission form.
Types of Application
There are essentially six types of planning application:
- Householder
- Full
- Outline
- Reserved matters
- Conservation area and listed building consent
- Lawful development certificate
Other Planning Related Applications
A variety of other planning related applications are available. Please select an appropriate link below for further information and application forms.
- Advertisement consent
- Full listed building consent
- Outline conservation area planning controls
- Reserved matters lawful development certificates
- Conservation area and listed building consent
- Tree preservation orders
This shorter form is used to apply for small-scale development such as:
- Conservatories
- Extensions
- New garages relating to a domestic home
Technically, a householder application is still a "full" application (see below), this form is just a trimmed down version of the "full" form below. Clearly we don't need as much detail about a conservatory as a development of 100 flats.
If you are submitting one of these applications AND live in a Conservation Area, you will need to include a "Design and Access Statement". It is the document that sets out the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development. i.e. the amount, layout, scale, landscaping and appearance of the development, and how the design of the development takes into account its context. For further information please see the Planning Guidance webpage.
Contact Us
Telephone: 01384 814136
Regeneration and Enterprise
Council House
Priory Road
West Midlands
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