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Parking and roads

Find all you need to know about parking, roads and transport in and around Dudley borough

Parking in Dudley

Information about parking in Dudley. Find all you need to know about our car parks, parking permits, parking penalties and more

Street care and maintenance

Information about all things related to street care and maintenance such as potholes, gritting, street lights and pavements

Roads, highways and pavements

Here you can find information about issues such as roadworks and closures, public rights of way and new traffic schemes

Road safety and travel awareness

Details about road safety and travel awareness with information on school crossing patrols, road safety education and speed control measures

Street cleaning and cleansing

Information on street cleaning issues such as flytipping, road spillages, graffiti removal and flyposting

Travel and transport

Travel and transport is important, so we ensure that our local routes and services meet the needs of everyone in the borough

Public notices

We publish notices as a service to the public. Legal requirements can vary and notices may be published elsewhere to comply with statutory requirements.