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As part of our commitment to providing financial transparency, any spend on goods and services over £500 with external suppliers are now listed online.

We are supported by a vast range of works and services from external suppliers and providers.  Our objective is to obtain best value for the procurement of supplies and services for the Council. We aim to operate fair and open competition by following transparent and auditable procedures in all tendering and contracting activity.

If you would like to know more about the type of business conducted with these suppliers, please visit our Council Procurement Contacts page.

We will always try to be as transparent as we can but in some cases we will need to respect information that could be seen as commercially sensitive or where the payment relates to vulnerable young people or adults.  Some of this information is withheld as it is personal data. For further information about personal data please visit the Privacy & Disclaimer Statement page.

Spend Reports

If you require further information about any payments, please contact us setting out the details of the payment and the additional information you require. General enquiries should be made via MyDudley where possible, or telephone or write to us:

Telephone: 01384 815607

Dudley MBC
Information Governance Unit
Council House
West Midlands