The following monthly reports list the payments to suppliers with a cumulative value over £500 from April 2021 - March 2022.
What We Publish
We publish lists of individual payments (with a value over £500) to suppliers each month.
There will be occasions where we will be unable to give you details of all expenses over £500. Examples of this would include foster carers, people receiving social care payments, refunds and employees expenses. On these occasions, where we are able to provide you with the majority of the report information but cannot give you the suppliers details, the supplier name will read REDACTED PERSONAL DATA
Certain transactions may be redacted or be exempt from publication because the transaction contains personal information that falls under Data Protection Law 2018. These payments have been redacted and the entry is listed as REDACTED PERSONAL DATA.
What the Reports Show
This information has been excluded or redacted from publication where:
- the information is personal and identifies an individual
- or where publication of the data can harm an individual. e.g. information related to the disclosure of the location of a vulnerable child or adult.
Each report shows:
- body name
- directorate
- area
- service area
- division
- cost centre
- cost centre name
- account code
- cipfa sub-classification
- date
- trans no
- amount net
- supplier name
- supplier id
- pay method
- classification