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Queens Cross Network is our local support centre for adults with physical and/or sensory disabilities. Located in Dudley, we offer person centred, tailored support programmes within a relaxed and friendly environment.

Queens Cross Network LogoThe network is home to;

We offer a friendly, supportive environment that really feels like a home away from home. Many of the people who attend refer to us as their "extended family".

The Queens Cross Network is a supportive, safe environment to recharge, relax and meet new friends!

We are open from 8.15am to 4.45pm from Monday to Friday and you are welcome to attend on a full day, half day or drop in basis to suit your needs.

What do we offer?

Visitors are welcome to pop into the centre for a look around at the facilities. We also have a Changing Places toilet and disabled access to the whole building.


We have a wide range of activities for everyone including:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Cookery
  • Gardening clubs
  • Home-building skills
  • Indoor sports
  • Relaxation sessions
  • Themed days and evening events

All activities can be adapted to meet individual needs. Assistance with personal care can be provided sensitively and discreetly by trained members of staff.

Involvement with activities certainly isn't compulsory. The network centre can simply be a great place to meet up with friends for a chat and a coffee!


The fun never stops - we regularly run evening and weekend events too! These include:

  • party evenings
  • bowling
  • cinema outings
  • restaurant and pub visits
  • table top sales

Onsite at Queens Cross Network we have: 

  • A well equipped gym
  • Library area
  • Quiet room
  • Gardens
  • Computer suite
  • Catering kitchens
  • Café - run by Disability in Action - a great place to make friends and socialise!
  • Resource room (Deaf service) - specialist information and display of assistive environmental technology
  • Refreshments - meals, snacks, drinks to eat in or take away

Dudley Fest-able 2024

Queens Cross is proud to be working with local voluntary and community organisations to celebrate National Disability Pride Month. This month long campaign looks to raise awareness, and visibility of people with disabilities, and redefine public perceptions of disability. Celebrating Disability Pride Month also creates opportunities to change conversations around disability and perceptions around disabled people. It is a way of celebrating diversity and difference among the disabled community and highlighting ways to better understand and support people.

This year we are celebrating Dudley Fest-able 2024 during July where we look at the achievements of local people with disabilities, as well as the opportunities now on offer across Dudley borough to people with any kind of disability.

Disability in action

Disability in Action is one of the borough’s most vibrant and active charities. It is run and managed by a dedicated, warm and friendly group of volunteers with disabilities. Their motto is: Support for disabled people by disabled people.

Community outreach - supporting people to live independently

Our community outreach service provides a range of practical help, advice and support to people who have a disability or longer-term life-limiting health condition. We want to help you live independently, happily and successfully in your own home.

We can help you to:

  • find paid employment or work experience
  • develop independent living skills
  • get out and about and travel independently
  • get involved in sports or leisure activities
  • further education or training

Vision Support Service

Once the vision support service is informed when an individual is registered blind or partially sighted, they make contact with the person to provide any information they may need. Our services include:

• rehabilitation - may involve help with cooking, reading or travelling to the shops or work etc.
• mobility training or aids to daily living

You can also find out more on Vision Support on the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).

Deaf Support Service

Our deaf support service aims to enable hard of hearing, deaf and dual sensory impaired people to lead full and independent lives.

We can provide information and advice on:

  • coping with hearing loss
  • communication tips and sign-posting
  • text relay
  • drop-in service

As well as this we can complete your assessment of needs, either at the network centre or in your own home.

National charity Action for Hearing Loss is also a useful resource.

Further information is available to download:


We always welcome new volunteers.  If you would like to spend time helping and supporting others please contact us!

Dignity in Dudley

Dignity in Dudley is part of the National Dignity Campaign which is about putting dignity and respect at the heart of care services.

Contact us

Alternatively you can call our Access Team on 0300 555 0055


To use the services of the RNID Typetalk service use the contact details below:

RNID Typetalk Outreach Service


Textphone: 18001 0800 500 888

Telephone: 0800 7311 888 (Help desk)

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 5pm