A “dropped kerb” is defined as a section of kerb, lowered to provide vehicular access to an individual property
A standard crossing is usually five kerbs, made up of two dropped kerbs and three flat kerbs in the centre. The full depth of the footway from the kerb to the property boundary will be dug up and tarmacked. If more than five kerbs are required the quotation for the work will reflect this.
How much will a dropped kerb cost?
It is difficult to provide an exact price for dropped kerbs. A typical 5 kerb crossing is approximately £2500 plus traffic management costs of up to £1500 for a closure and diversion. Please note there will be a non-refundable survey fee of £100 to cover administration and processing of your request
Road markings for dropped kerbs (H bars)
Road markings for dropped kerbs are shaped like an elongated 'H'. This is placed across a vehicular access or driveway. It is used to remind drivers that it is illegal to park in front of dropped kerb driveways.
Request a dropped kerb
Following a request for a vehicle crossing we will survey the area.
Please note, no work will be undertaken until all relevant authorisations have been obtained and payment received in full.
Find out more about how you can pay for your dropped kerb
More information about dropped kerbs
On classified roads
If the dropped kerb is on a classified road, planning consent is needed before we can give you a quote.
On private streets
A private street is a street that we don't maintain. The responsibility for dropped kerbs on private streets (including footways and pavements) lies with the street owners. These are usually the people who live on the street.
For council owned properties
Housing Tenants must have a hardstanding before making an application for a dropped kerb. If there is no hardstanding, permission should be gained from Housing Services. The tenant must have hardstanding (e.g. flagstones, tarmac). Other conditions may include permission to alter a boundary wall, or an access agreement to cross Council owned land. Such conditions are set out in writing by Housing Services and given to the Tenant. The Tenant will then need to produce these when requested.
The Housing Tenant will need to contact their local Estate Office so that the appropriate consent can be obtained
Hardstanding requirements
If the surface is to be made of non-permeable material with uncontrolled drainage and measures more than five square metres, planning permission will be required.
Planning Permission will NOT be required when:
- The surface to be covered is less than five square metres
- Permeable (or porous) surfacing is used, which allows water to drain through, such as gravel, permeable concrete block paving or porous asphalt
- Rainwater is directed to a lawn or border to drain naturally
Private contractors
Applicants who wish to provide access to an individual property themselves must apply in writing for a Road Opening Licence.
A Street Works Licence is a section 50 licence which comes under the ‘New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 Section 50’ The following procedure applies for granting permission:
- The contractor must confirm in writing their intentions. The letter should also include the proposed start date for works and the name and telephone number of the site agent.
- Copies of Statutory Undertakers clearances must be provided by the contractor.
- Site signing and coning must comply with Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
- Proof of appropriate Public Liability insurance cover must be submitted (to the minimum value of £5 million).
- Two copies of drawings showing the proposed works must be submitted.
- Copies of the contractors street accreditation certificates must be supplied.
Traffic management permit scheme
Permit Schemes have operated in England since 2010 and used by councils to plan and manage street and road works.
In order to meet the mandatory requirements of the scheme a work permit has to be granted to work legally on the highway.
The permit requires the appropriate traffic management to be in place, a safe work zone for operatives and running lanes for traffic, if this is not achievable, a closure has to put in place.
Costs associated with traffic management to construct a crossing safely and legally have to be included when quotes are calculated.