We are committed to keeping our roads free of obstruction and nuisance. We inspect our highways regularly to ensure they are free from obstruction. It's a criminal offence to obstruct a highway
What we can do
- Investigate reports of highway obstruction and the people responsible.
- Remove items on the highway and recover reasonable costs for doing so from the offender.
- Require a person responsible for an overhanging tree or bush to trim it.
Report a problem
Please report a highway obstruction to us as soon as you can so we can investigate the incident.
You need to give us details such as:
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Type of obstruction
To report any obstructions, please use the contact details below.
Once you have reported a problem, we will:
- keep you updated on the status of your report
- inspect the area and if needed, we will arrange for the obstruction to be removed.
Highways licenses
Under the Highways Act 1980 it's necessary for anyone wishing to carry out certain functions on the highway to first get written permission to do so from the Council. This is usually in the some form of licence, permit or consent form and in some cases a fee will be payable.
If a person without lawful authority or excuse in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway, they are guilty of an offence. In such cases the Highway Authority has legal powers to enforce their removal.
A magistrate's court can impose a maximum fine of £1,000 for anyone convicted of obstructing the highway.
Examples of obstructions on roads and pavements
Builders' skips
Skip Licences are required to ensure the skips are not placed so as to block access to property or apparatus within the highway.
Scaffolding and hoardings
Scaffolding and hoarding licences are required for the erection of any structure on or over a Public Highway to ensure that public health & safety are not compromised.
Builders materials
For safety reasons, we do not allow building materials to be placed on the highway. Therefore we do not provide licences.
It's illegal to leave building materials or machinery on the highway without a valid licence. This is an offence under the:
Highways Act 1980
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
If you see building materials in the road or have any concerns about the location or safety of materials on the public highway, then please report them immediately. Our inspectors will go to the site to assess the safety and this will be dealt with accordingly.
Overhanging tree branches or high hedges
If you see any overhanging tree branches or high hedges that are causing an obstruction, please contact us.
Mud or debris on the road
If you observe a cleanliness issue obstructing a street, gully, car park, public convenience or other public area please contact us.
Parking issues
Civil Parking Enforcement Officers are responsible for dealing with obstructions on the road and pavements where waiting restrictions apply, such as yellow lines.
Parking on footways and pavements
The Police are responsible for dealing with obstructions of the road and pavements, including verges, where no other parking restrictions are in force.
Unauthorised vendors and traders
A Street Trading Consent is required for anyone who is proposing to offer goods for sale from a permanent venue. If you encounter any problems, please contact us.
Blocking rights of way
We have powers to deal with a range of nuisance issues, including obstruction of the highway and public rights of way.
Road traffic accident debris
If you see any road traffic accident debris that is causing an obstruction, please contact us.
Contact us
- Telephone: 0300 555 2345
Street Maintenance
Lister Road Depot
Lister Road
West Midlands
Opening hours: 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
The office is closed at weekends and on bank holidays.