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In most cases you will not need to apply for planning permission to knock down your house or any of its outbuildings, unless the council has made an article 4 direction restricting the demolition or alterations you could normally carry out under permitted development rules. This is because in most cases the demolition of a property is a Permitted Development.

However, it does not automatically follow that you will get planning permission to build any replacement structure or to change the use of the site.

Where demolition of any kind of residential property is proposed, the council may wish to agree the details of how you intend to carry out the demolition and how you propose to restore the site afterwards.

Demolition of a Dangerous Structure

If the proposed demolition is of a residential property and has been rendered unsafe or uninhabitable you are required to gain approval from the Council before you carry out the demolition. You will need to supply information about the method of demolition and details of any proposed restoration of the site. This is referred to as a 'Notice under Schedule 2 Part 31'.

For further information please see our webpage on Dangerous Buildings and Structures

Planning Application forms

There are several types of application and you should be sure which type of consent you are seeking. If the information required does not fit the circumstances of your case, or if you wish to make a different type of application you should seek further advice from the Planning helpdesk.

In most cases a fee is payable when a planning application is submitted and the current scale of charges is available via the fees and charges link at the top of this webpage.

You can access and download the Dudley Council application forms from the Planning Portal e-forms cabinet.

Alternatively the application forms and further information can be obtained by contacting us as per the contact details below.

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Contact Details

Building Control
Regeneration and Enterprise
Council House
Priory Road
West Midlands