Notice is given that at 6pm on Monday, 26 February, 2024, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council will hold a Full Council Meeting. This will include consideration of the statutory recommendations of the External Auditor made under Section 24 Schedule 7 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. This meeting will take place in the Council Chamber, Council House, Priory Road, Dudley.
The External Auditor has highlighted a risk that the Council's Section 151 Officer will have to issue a Section 114 notice in the near future. In summary, the External Auditor recommends that the Council maximises the opportunities for positive movements in 2023/24; strictly enforces the existing spending controls; undertakes a review to identify the statutory minimum level of service required; identifies saving and income options to fully address the budget gap in 2024/25 (where possible with recurrent options that address the ongoing gap in later years); and creates a prudent central contingency to manage in-year pressures and the cost of change.
The statutory recommendations of the External Auditor published on 30 January, 2024, together with the documents for the Council meeting, can be viewed in full here.