Please note: If trees have hazard tape around them, they have already been reported and we are in the process of dealing with the issue. There is no need to report them again.
It is an offence if you do not to clean up after your dog if it has fouled in a public place, and could result in an 'on the spot' fine if you fail to do so. If you have a problem in your area that needs reporting, find out below how you can get in touch.
You have a legal duty to clean up after your dog if they have fouled in a public place. Failing to do so could lead to an on the spot fine of up to £100 or even court for persistent offenders.
The Council has installed a number of Dog Bins throughout the borough to encourage owners and anyone in control of a dog to clear up after the dog. The Council maintains and empties most of the dog bins generally situated on public highways or footpaths within the borough.
If you need to request a new dog litter bin or for an existing bin to be emptied. Please use the form above.
Further Information
Round worm eggs can be found in dog faeces, and can be picked up by humans while handling soil or sand contaminated with infected animal faeces. This is more likely to affect children, however cases have been reported in people of all ages. Therefore it is vital that you clean up after your dog to avoid being affected.
For most people the infection causes no symptoms and the parasites die within a few months. However some can experience mild symptoms, while others may have more severe symptoms and will need to see a GP for treatment.
To avoid this, you should practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands and de-worming your animals regularly.
For more information on symptoms and treatment. Visit the NHS website.
Please report it to us with as much information as possible using our onlineDog fouling form
We keep the source of information confidential and use it to ensure we have the best chance of catching the irresponsible person who doesn’t clear up when their dog fouls.
The type of information that will help us includes:
Where the dog lives
Descriptions of the dog
Descriptions of anyone walking the dog
The time when the dog is in the area (dogs and their owners often follow similar exercise routes and times)
Associated vehicle registration numbers
If a bin local to you has been damaged, broken or vandalised you can report it to be fixed or replaced by using our Street Cleansing Form.
The Council can issue a range of Fixed Penalty Notices (fines) for offences that can have a negative impact on the local environment; these include offences relating tolitter, dog fouling,fly tipping,waste,andabandonment of vehicles.
Within the 14 day period set out in the Fixed Penalty Notice you must either pay it or request that the matter be heard by a court. You may not do both. If you fail to do either, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council as an enforcement authority may pursue this matter through the Magistrates court under the relevant legislation referred to in the Fixed Penalty Notice.