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The Freedom of Information Act 2000, section 19, requires the council to provide a publication scheme. It states that it is the duty of every public authority to adopt and maintain a publication scheme, to publish information in accordance with the scheme and, from time to time, to review the scheme.

Dudley Council is committed to openness and transparency.  The publication scheme reinforces our commitment to the pro-active disclosure of information and continued development of a greater culture of openness and transparency by increasing the public's awareness of the work undertaken by us and our partners.

What is a publication scheme?

A publication scheme provides the public with a guide to the information Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council publishes or intends to publish routinely.  It is intended that, by outlining the types of information the council holds, the scheme will assist the public’s understanding of what the council do and the services it provides. 

Individuals already have the right of access to personal information about themselves under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Data Protection Law 2018. The Freedom of Information Act extends this right to allow public access to all types of information held, subject to some exemptions.

Please note: not all information the council holds is available for public access. Some information classes may contain some material that is exempt. For further information view the specific classes of information and exemptions below.

Our publication scheme - classes of information


The Council welcomes any comments regarding the use, effectiveness, content and structure of the publication scheme. The scheme itself will be subject to continuous review so that it accurately reflects the requirements of customers and clients, council structure, council services and culture. 

The scheme is intended to be a tool for you to use to obtain access to information that you require. Therefore, your input into making the scheme more useful for you is of vital importance.  Your comments are highly valued.

The Council is already working to make itself more open and already publishes a large amount of information through its website, offices and libraries.

Contact Us

If you have any comments regarding the scheme please contact us through our online form or telephone or write to us:

Telephone: 01384 815607

Dudley MBC
Information Governance Unit
Council House 
West Midlands