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If you are struggling to get around in your home, we may be able to help make life a little easier. There are several services on offer to help you carry on living safe and independent in your own home. If needed, we can provide support in making the right decision for alternative housing if your home is no longer suitable for you.

Living Well, Feeling Safe

The Living Well, Feeling Safe service offers a range of advice and services for older people through a partnership of local organisationsThese include Dudley Council, West Midlands Police, local and national charities, and West Midlands Fire Service.

The range of services includes:

  • Door access systems and key safes
  • Home security and personal alarms
  • Crime prevention and victim support
  • Fire safety advice and smoke alarms
  • Home improvement and adaptations

Many of these services are available to younger people with disabilities as well.

Dudley Telecare Service

Dudley Telecare Service has a range of ‘assistive technology’ products that could support your needsIf you need a little extra help living in your home, there may be specialist equipment that could assist you to continue to live independently.

If you feel that you need help with personal care, such as washing and dressing, please contact the Adult Front of House Service.

Adapting Your Home

Are you or a member of your home having difficulties with everyday tasks, such as bathing or getting up stairs? Following an assessment, we may be able to help you to adapt your home.

We can offer the following support:

  • Grants to pay for adaptations
  • Information and advice to help you adapt your home
  • Reputable, council approved builders and trades people
  • Rearranging work for you, so no stress, hassle or worry

Enabling Community Support

Our Pleased to Meet You service provides a range of practical help, advice and support to older people to help them live happily and independently in their own homes.

We can provide support with:

  • good health and hygiene
  • claiming the correct benefits
  • help to complete forms/paperwork
  • support when you return home after a hospital stay

Care at Home (Domiciliary Care)

There are a range of locally based services that can provide care to people in their own homes.

Alternative Housing and Care Options

If you have found that adaptations to your home are not suitable and you need more assistance, we can provide support in finding alternative housing to suit your needs.

This could include:

  • social or private renting
  • home ownership
  • sheltered or supported housing
  • a housing with care scheme
  • a care or residential home

Extra Care Housing

The Extra Care Housing scheme is for people over 55 years of age who want to carry on living independently but may have disabilities, are frail or have health needs that make ordinary housing, residential, or nursing homes unsuitable for them.

This type of housing features a range of services to hand if their condition may worsen and needs some care and support.

Sheltered Housing

Sheltered housing is a group of self-contained flats or bungalows for people over 55 who want to continue to live independentlyThey may simply want a little extra security, company and the added knowledge that assistance is at hand if it is required.

Shared Lives

The Shared Lives Care Scheme provides care and support for adults with additional needs, such as a disability or mental illness. It allows them to live as part of a family who offer personalised support and care.

This can be a long time arrangement, or to provide respites to carers for a short break or day care.

Residential and Nursing Care Homes

If you are in need of extra assistance you may be eligible for support to live in a residential or nursing care home.

Contact Us

For further information contact our Housing Options team via Dudley Council Plus:

Telephone: 0300 555 2345

Opening hours: 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
The office is closed at weekends and on bank holidays.

If you feel you need a residential or nursing home, please contact our Adults Front of House Service