Independent Living is affordable accommodation that has been designed for older individuals to assist them to continue to live independently. There is access to emergency assistance, communal areas, and regular contact from our team who aim to promote independence and improve quality of life.
Independent Living is rented accommodation available to those over 55. Although living independently, tenants have access to communal areas, 24 hour emergency assistance via the Dudley Telecare system, and support from the Supported Living Co-ordinator, who will encourage independence and reduce loneliness and isolation.
Independent Living offers tenants:
A safe, secure and warm place to live.
Support from staff to promote independence.
Access to Dudley Telecare in the case of an emergency.
Tenancy legal rights.
Guest bedroom for friends and relatives.
An easy to manage home.
There are 9 specially built Independent Living schemes that each offer the following:
Independent Living is available to those over 55 years of age.
Residents can be fit and active, and are completely independent, but simply want a little extra security and company. Other residents may need more care and support, which can be provided on-site if required.
We are committed to reducing loneliness and isolation by providing communal facilities that enable tenants to socialise with each other, and participate in activities and events.
Our Independent Living schemes provide real homes where we believe residents can enjoy life to the full and live as independently as possible.
Each Independent Living scheme is managed by a Supported Living Coordinator during the day. They have a duty to keep in touch with each tenant and to deal with any problems or emergencies appropriately.
The Supported Living Coordinator will:
Aim to provide a quality, professional service which is flexible and responsive to individual people’s needs and preferences.
Carry out wellbeing assessments to promote independence, health and overall wellbeing.
Support in resolving tenancy management issues.
Signpost and work with other agencies to enable independent living.
Respect tenants' rights and dignity at all times and ensure confidentiality.
Be responsible for health and safety of the building in line with regulations.
Provide a safe and secure environment.
Support tenants with repair issues.
Respond to and support emergency services when required.
If emergency assistance is required when the Supported Living Coordinator is not on duty, it can be obtained via the Dudley Telecare service.
Cleaning Our cleaning contractor is employed to clean the communal areas only. They are not able to do any cleaning in tenant’s own homes. If tenants have any comments or complaints about the cleaning service, they should notify a Supported Living Coordinator.
Service Charges Service charges are currently made for communal lighting and heating where applicable. If tenants are eligible, then Housing Benefit will cover the charge in part or whole.
Gardening The Council’s gardeners will keep the gardens tidy on a regular basis. If tenants have any comments or complaints about the gardening service, they should notify a Supported Living Coordinator.
Pets Some pets are allowed as long as they do not cause a nuisance. If you wish to keep a pet you will need our permission, and in the first instance you should speak to a Supported Living Coordinator.