Not all of these terms will be used on your decision notice. If you do not see them on your notice it means that particular element does not relate to your individual circumstances.
Housing Benefit
This is the weekly amount of benefit you have been awarded.
This is the amount of deduction made if an overpayment of benefit has occurred.
This is the weekly amount of benefit you will receive.
This is the amount of rent that your Housing Benefit calculation is based on.
This amount for any charges made within the rent for fuel charges, water rates, laundry provisions, etc for which benefit is not payable.
Non-dependants are other adults living in the property, who may be expected to contribute towards the rent. A deduction from benefit entitlement may be made according to the non-dependant’s income.
Some income is ignored when we work out your benefit, e.g., Disability Living Allowance, Child Benefit, Attendance Allowance etc.
An amount is taken from the capital owned by you and your partner. If you are of working age we assume an income of £1 per week for every £250 of capital between £6,000 and £16,000. If you are classed as a pensioner £1 is taken for every £500 of capital between £10,000 and £16,000.
This is the minimum weekly amount the government expect you to live on. It is dependant on each individual’s circumstances e.g. whether you are single, married, have children, are sick, disabled or elderly etc. Each applicable amounts to your household will be shown.
If you rent your home from a private landlord the amount of benefit we can pay Is based on a rate for the number of bedrooms you and your family occupy.
If you are of working age and rent from the Council or a registered housing association, then the amount of your Housing Benefit will be based on the number of bedrooms your household is considered to need. Your weekly eligible rent will be shown as the full amount, however the net benefit payable will reflect the reduction in benefit that is applicable to your circumstances.
Council Tax Reduction
Please read this in conjunction with 'How your reduction is calculated'.
This means your savings, investments and the value of property and land owned, but not occupied, by you.
This is all the money that you have coming in from earnings, benefits, maintenance payments and other sources. Depending on the type of income, it may be completely or partially ignored in the calculation of your award.
This is income earned through employment by either you or your partner. This is an average figure after Income Tax and National Insurance and half of any pension paid has been deducted.
Any income that comes from investments and other sources unrelated to employment.
An amount is taken from the capital owned by you or your partner. If you are of working age we assume an income of £1 per week for every £250 of capital between £6,000 and £16,000.
For example, if you have capital of over £6,000 but no more than £6,250 you would have an amount of £1 taken into account in the calculation. If you have capital over £6,250 but no more than £6,500 you would have £2 a week taken into account, and so on.
If you are classified as a pensioner £1 is taken for every £500 of capital between £10,000 and £16,000.
For example, if you have capital of over £10,000 but no more than £10,500 you would have an amount of £1 taken into account in the calculation. If you have capital over £10,500 but no more than £11,000 you would have £2 a week taken into account, and so on.
For customers who receive the Guarantee Credit of Pension Credit there is no upper limit on the capital you can have.
Some income is ignored when we work out your Council Tax Reduction e.g., Disability Living Allowance, Child Benefit, Attendance Allowance etc.
This is the minimum weekly amount the government expect you to live on. It is dependant on your individual circumstances e.g. whether you are single, married, have children, are sick, disabled or elderly etc. Each allowance applicable to your household will be shown.
Non-dependants are other adults living in the property, who may be expected to contribute towards your Council Tax. A deduction from your award may be made according to the non-dependant’s income.
This is the amount of income you have over and above your living allowance.
This is the weekly amount of Council Tax you are liable for (before any reduction has been awarded).
Is an alternative calculation based only on the financial circumstances of non-dependants. If Second Adult Rebate would give you a higher reduction than the standard calculation you will get this amount instead (stated as a Better-Buy calculation).
How your reduction is calculated
An amount for your Living Allowance is then deducted from this to provide you with an Excess Income amount.
You are expected to pay 20% of this Excess Income towards your Council Tax bill. This 20% is deducted from the Eligible Weekly Council Tax amount.
If you have any Non-Dependant Deductions, these are then deducted for any adults living in your home.
The remainder is your Total Weekly Council Tax Reduction Amount unless your capital exceeds £16,000 or a Better-Buy Calculation applies.