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Essential maintenance

Our school admissions application system will be unavailable on Monday 10th February. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

School admissions are open each year for you to apply online for both primary and secondary attendance for the following year. Secondary applications can be made from 1 September, Primary applications can be made from 1 October.

Admission arrangements 2024-25 and 2025-26

School admission arrangements set out how schools will admit pupils.

The arrangements include the published admission number (the maximum number of pupils intended to be admitted to the relevant year group), the oversubscription criteria and information on the waiting list for the school.

How to appeal

If your child has been refused a place in your preferred school(s), you have the right to appeal against this decision.

Nursery schools

If you would like further information regarding nurseries, funding, provision, childminders visit our Early Years pages.

The Admissions Policy for Community and Voluntary Controlled Maintained Nursery Schools at the bottom of this page sets out how the available places will be allocated for local authority run nursery units. You will need to contact private run nurseries direct for their admission arrangements.

Supplementary information forms

There are a number of schools that require Supplementary Information Forms (SIF's).

Education outside chronological year group (Delaying or Deferring)

Guidance is available for parents, carers and schools, when considering requests for children to be educated out of their chronological year group.  The guidance relates children being educated in the year group below, or the year group above their chronological age.  It does not relate to situation where pupils are in mixed-age classes.