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At some point in our lives many of us will have to look after someone we care for, if they become ill, frail or disabled. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people are unpaid carers in England and Wales, with around 6,000 people each day becoming a carer.

What does it mean to be a carer?

One of the biggest barriers for someone who provides care and support to a family member or friend is recognising themselves as a carer. Many people do not realise they are a carer. If you are, or intend to help someone who would not be able to manage daily tasks without your support, due to illness, frailty or disability, then you are a carer.

You may be looking after your partner, friend or family member, or be a couple caring and supporting each other. You may not live with the person you are looking after. You may not even live in the local area, and provide support by telephone or online (Facetime / Zoom), or travel long distances on a regular basis to provide support.

Still not sure you are a carer? Read through the statements below:

  • I take someone to GP or hospital appointments as they could not manage without my support
  • I help someone to manage their personal hygiene (washing, bathing, toileting)
  • I make sure someone has enough to eat and drink (food shopping, meal preparation, support with eating and drinking)
  • I help someone get around their home as they cannot manage on their own (assisting someone to use the stairs safely)
  • I make sure someone takes their medication at the right time (i.e. ordering prescriptions, giving medication)
  • I help someone with their budgeting and finances
  • I provide regular emotional and social support for someone (telephone calls, home visits)
  • I support someone with household chores (cleaning, laundry, ironing to ensure their home is tidy and safe)
  • I help someone stay in contact with their family or friends, or to attend social activities

If you agree with one, or more of these statements, then you are a carer. Whatever your situation, if you are providing unpaid care and support (excluding volunteering), you can ask for help to support you in your caring role. There are lots of sources of information, advice and support available, including our council run Dudley Carers Hub.

Register as a carer

According to the 2021 Census, there are approximately 32,000 unpaid carers living in Dudley Borough. If you provide care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour which is unpaid (not including carers allowance) you are a carer.

It is important for the council to understand the needs of our local carer population. It is also vital you access information and support to help you and you can do this by registering with Dudley Carers Hub. You can register as a carer or you can speak to one of the hub's carers advisors on 01384 818723.

Carers assessment

A carers assessment is an opportunity for you to discuss with the council your needs, requirements and feelings as a carer and what support or services you need to help you continue caring.

Carers contingency planning tool kit

If you become unwell, have an accident, or emergency, you will need to make other arrangements for care of the person you care for. It makes sense to plan a contingency plan in advance.

The plan should include your details, the cared for person's details, information about any medication and treatment, any medical appointments and details of who can step in during your absence.

Dudley Carers Hub has created a contingency planning toolkit, available as a download below. You can request a printed copy by calling 01384 818723.

Dudley Adult Social Care Portal

The secure way for anyone living in Dudley borough to find out all about adult social care and support, quickly and easily online. Dudley Adults Portal includes a dedicated area for carers. Carers can find information and support, including registering themselves as a carer and completing a carers self assessment online.

Young carers

If you are under the age of 18 or know someone under 18 who is helping to look after someone, that means you/they are a young carer.

You may be helping to support a parent, grandparent, sibling or other relative, who needs looking after because they are: living with a physical disability, a mental health condition, a learning disability, a drug or alcohol related illness, a sensory impairment or any long-term illness or condition. The service provide specialist advice and support for all young carers.

Dudley carers strategy

We are currently refreshing our local carers strategy, working with Dudley Carers Alliance. This strategy sets out our vision and priorities to support those who provide care and support to a family member, or friend in an unpaid capacity. The aim is to champion carers by recognising and implementing support to help them maintain their own identity and live the life they want, alongside their caring role.

Dudley carers alliance

Dudley Carers Alliance is all about giving carers a voice. The group is passionate about carers rights and pledges to ensure that the voice of the carer is always listened to across Dudley borough. They collect information and opinions from local carers. They share this with statutory and other organisations, both local and national, relating to carer issues. The group works in partnership with other local forums and organisations who are keen to ensure that the views of carers are represented when local services are being shaped.

For more information, or if you would like to join the alliance contact Dudley Carers Hub on 01384 818723 or email More information is on the download below.