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We support children and young people, aged from birth to 18, with learning or physical disabilities, special educational needs or autism to live independent, happy and fulfilling lives.

What help and support is available?


Understanding an individuals needs is the first step to getting the right decision about the care and support they may need.  There is an assessment for each person who uses the Dudley Disability Service, which will identify if there will be a cost for any support provided. However many of our services are provided free of charge.

Compliments and complaints

We are committed to providing high quality, affordable services to you. There are times when we do things well and we would love to hear about them! There may also be times when things go wrong and you are left unhappy or dissatisfied.  Please help us to ensure we deliver the best quality services appropriate to your needs.

Contact Us

You can contact the service via the Children's Access Team.
